Modern Adventure Interactive Tourism
aims to engage people in exploring cultural heritage in an enjoyable and playful way, to help truly immerse people into the richness of different epochs and cultures and have valuable and memorable experiences enriching people’s modern lives.
Personal guide too expensive
Read in advance too time-consuming
Open wikipedia too dull
Mass tourists often feel lost and struggle with how to truly learn about and understand art objects in cities or inside museums.
Tourists are looking to get information fast with memorable insights in an appealing format.
MAIT platform makes travel around cities and museums exciting, helps visitors learn about art objects in an interactive and fun way. Now each tourist can have a personal guide on their mobile who shares stories and ideas about art, helpsa immerse them into the local atmosphere, and builds an unforgettable experience.
Author speach
Sculpture revival
Painting 3D model
On the floor

Get to Know Our Team

Alexey Spivak
Founder and CEO

Founder and chief architect of ABL bureau, Founder of ABL-Development, Questhouse, Team-Time srl, Architect, laureate of the Golden Section State Prize
Irina Grishanova

Experienced Business Development and Sales lead, Global Executive MBA, Fuqua School, Duke University
Alex Nevidomsky
Technical Advisor

PhD in applied math, 29 years of R&D and software development, of which 22 in NLP and Machine Learning technologies
Evgeny Fell
Strategic Advisor

Venture Building and VC investments expert, including $ 90M+ IPO coordination, 20+ years in business process innovation consulting
Arseniy Epelbaum
Creative Director

Experienced creative director of art projects and innovative start-ups
Cathe Burlakova
Illustrator & Graphic Designer

Editing director of performances and video materials at Fomenko theater. ‘Best Computer Product 2004 Laureate'
Polina Mikhailova
Project Director

Historian, creative producer of theater projects and festivals
Antonella Magagnini
Cultural Heritage Advisor

Master in Management of Cultural Heritage, University professor in Humanities, 20+ years of cultural heritage enhancement and museum management
Via Quadroni 19, 00189
Roma, Italy

+39 334 204 55 25


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